5 Dangerous Toxins for Your Pet at Home

Our team would like to offer few of the most popular household items harmful to pets in honor of National Animal Poison Prevention Week, which will run from March 19 to 25.


#1: Medications

Medications, ranging from an entire box of beef-flavored heartworm preventives to their owner’s prescription heart medication, are among the most frequent household dangers pets eat. Pets frequently scoop up misplaced medicines before their owners can get to them, particularly food-motivated dogs. Also, they might search visitors’ luggage for medication bottles or break into the counter. Pet overdoses from medications can be fatal, so call an animal poison control hotline immediately.


#2: Food

The kitchen is tempting for your pet and holds many delicious hazards. Chocolate, macadamia nuts, xylitol, avocados, unbaked yeast dough, alcohol, grapes, and raisins are the most common toxic foods that can cause serious illnesses ranging from kidney failure and seizures to alcohol poisoning and severe hypoglycemia in pets. Prevent your counter-surfing pet from helping you cook in the kitchen, and purchase a locking trash can to keep out curious noses.


#3: Household chemicals

Every chemical in your home can cause your pet harm if they ingest it enough. Ensure the following common chemicals are locked up away from your pet:

  • Cleaning products
  • Disinfectants
  • Aerosol air fresheners and other products
  • Candles
  • Antifreeze
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Paint
  • Glue
  • Nail polish remover


#4: Houseplants

Many houseplants and the chemicals that help them thrive are poisonous to pets. Lilies are exceptionally hazardous to cats, and contact with only pollen can be fatal. Other common houseplants that threaten your pet include dieffenbachia, elephant ears, and spider plants. Several outdoor plants, such as ivy and oleander, can poison pets. Check the ASPCA’s list of dangerous plants before bringing a bouquet into your house or adding greenery to your yard to make sure your flowers are safe for your pets.


#5: Batteries and coins

Batteries and coins can cause metal poisoning if ingested. If your pet chews and punctures a storm, they can suffer from chemical burns. Intact batteries swallowed whole can become a gastrointestinal blockage. 


If you think your pet has been in contact with a toxic substance, contact our team immediately.